Saturday, September 30, 2006

This is Simon, my Jr staffer friend from camp. I used the flash so his eyes are really big. I think it's a cool shot of him anyway.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I went to a movie today

I went to Open Season with my friends Aja and Tyjal. The movie was great.Tt was about a bear who was raised by humans and one day he gets persuaded to go out into the wild by this buck. We all had a wonderful time.

this is Abbi one of the Jr staffers at nbtsc isn't it a cool shot?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm taking Hip hop!

today was my first hip hop class, it was great! My mom is doing the class as well and I really fell like it could be a new passion for me, we will see. I had my second photoshop class today as well. We learned how to make a photo of a landscape we wanted, using shapes, it was neat.

this is the photo scene that I did for the class. I call it "sun bunny" (isn't it cute?).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

really boring day

I have been laptopping like crazy! Surfing a lot of the cool music it came with. So this will most likely be really boring. Yesterday I loaded up more photos to my flickr page, I am already getting lots of views on them.

This is Arne one of the campers at nbtsc,
I think his pants are cool.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The 22nd Was my Birthday, Yay!

Yesterday was my 17th birthday. I had an Ice cream cake, and my mom made a peach cobbler from peaches we got off a tree that overhangs our backyard. My presents were great! I got a laptop,
striped socks, a wool felted mushroom, $20 and a case for the laptop. Before the party I had put together zazu photos of the guests and I slide-showed them to everyone.

P.S. (this is my photoshopped pic that I did for the party.)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

my Camp Song

this is my camp song that I made up about not back to school camp, which is a camp for

homeschoolers, so enjoy!

Written by me India Nelson

There is a camp I know of

its really very cool.

It is for clever teenagers

who never go to school.

We strum on guitars,

drum and dance,

do handstands and cartwheels


We put on skits

in the talent shows.

We dye our hair

and paint our toes.

(Then we take some

cool photos!)

Contact improv,

Lindy Hop

Get us going

it’s hard to stop.

Silly moves and

dancing Swing

we’ll dance almost


We sing songs

with our friends,

Paint, collage, even

draw on hands.

At our meetings,

we plan our day.

Grace gets us going

on our way.

We laugh and hug

and joke around,
Until we’re rolling

On the ground.

We put on workshops

everyday we’re there,

about all kinds of stuff

we want to share.

To relax we play Frisbee,

do massages under trees

where we might catcha

soft breeze.

But beware where you sit
Or hike its no joke!
Those little plants

Itchy scratchy poison oak!

We wear what we please

any style we dare,

some of us might even

cut our own hair

Superhero teams

Control the chores

so the work is fun

and never bores.

We do them each morning,

noon and night.

Working like that together,

we do them right.

We listen to cool music

Like Abandon Ship,

Weird Al, Beatles,

stuff that’s hip.

If you’re getting sick,

Take care!

A runny nose

is not to share!

Take naps and drink

Loads of killer tea,

so you don’t give

your cold to me!

The highlight at

The end is Prom.

We all agree the

Prom’s the Bomb

Crazy costumes

rule the night,

some are really

out of sight.

All dressed up,

photo op.

We dance all night

and never stop

So farewell Camp

gotta go with my loud,

Pack the bus

and hit the road.

But we’ll be back

again next year,

to see our friends the

Old and new right here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm Taking a photoshop class!

I had my first class of the year today, it was Adobe Photoshop. Today we learned about some of the tools that are used in Photoshop to make a photo look more zazu! It was so cool! We got to make this grandpa drawing all tripped out in whatever things we wanted using those tools I told you about. I am going to love it. I will have a photo up when I can.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Making Pie

Yesterday I went over to my grandpa's house with my little sister, Eden to make an apple pie. It was fun making it. We didn't get to eat it though because it needed cooling off before we could, but we get to eat it today! I took lots of photos and should have them posted soon. Also yesterday I played a cool game of frisbee with my dad. I'm considerably better after I came back from camp.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bike Ride

my Dad and I just got back from a long bike ride around the Santa Rosa JC neighborhood, it was nice to be out getting exercise, a bit hotter then I would of liked but vary beautiful, with blue sky and no clouds that I could see.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Famly Hike

today my famly and me went for a beautiful hike to a lush lake with bull frogs and big old blue dragonfies, I think I saw a turtle but I'm not shure. The water was all blue and the sun was glinting of it, we couldn't swim or wade but it was nice anyway, we took a lot of photos which I should be posting soon. when we got back me and my sis played with pipe cleaners that I had made into fake glasses, pretending we were harry potter with his big old scar.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hi this is my first post! and I am thrilled!! to have my own blog. I was at Not Back To School Camp! and have just gotten back, I would love to tell someone about it. The photo is of me and my rat. I called him Little Rat because he was smaller then my sister's brown rat
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