Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hey everyone. Sorry I've been gone for such a long time but I just haven't been up to writing or posting in the last 2 months. In that time we had thanksgiving which was wonderful, we took a series of fantastic hikes around this time, as well. The season was moving towards the tale end of fall and the trees and landscapes of the country were just stunning. We started to move in to winter and the time changed. There were more rainy days and less sunny. We went on walks in the neighborhood. I started my class with Meredith and began to start on the Christmas season. Which included decorating our house with lights and making gifts for family. I was going to give my mom and dad a stocking this year and I needed to get things for that. Also I had to shop for gifts. This was the best Christmas I have had I got a lot of the presents that I asked for like a scooter, a new book, a coin belt for belly dancing and a lot more, but I enjoyed giving presents just as much. I gave my mom a purse I'd sewn at chops, and a fancy capo for her guitar. That was really expensive! I gave my dad a picture frame and a felted airplane I'd made him (he likes to travel) also a tiny painting on canvas board I'd done. I also gave my mom and dad fancy Christmas ornaments and hung them on the tree for them to find. I gave my dad a pickle and my mom a heart.
I gave Eden, my sister, a set of beautiful fabrics she'd wanted and a cute kitty calendar. Also a mermaid doll that she had really wanted one day when we all went out shopping.
I gave grandpa a picture I'd drawn in a frame I made at chops. I gave grandma a felted aminita mushroom. I gave Zephyr a little wooden box I'd painted a train on.
I actually sent out 24 christmas cards and seven packages for people from camp and made some gift boxes for a few more people like Meredith and Steve and Danny and Zoe. All this kept me pretty busy!
But it was a good Christmas this year. Merry late Christmas
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