Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ailah, my friend, came over.

Ailah came over yesterday and we went to chops. Chops is a teen center with an art room and a computer room. There's a snack bar and a climbing wall and lots more cool things like that. I mostly stay in the art room because I like that the best, but you can do pretty much what ever you want, and it's all free to do. There is an age limit 12 to 18 that is kind of a bummer, but I think it's great. I will have photos soon.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

miss Ajalinna at the park

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lots of information

two weeks ago we went to san francisco for a blue grass concert. The music was great and we had a terrific time. I had another hiphop class on wednesday and that was great. I am learning lots in my photoshop class and making beautiful art. It was my great grandma's birthday saturday and there was a small party for her at the elderly home were she lives now, most of the famly came and she gave away paintings her husband (my great grandpa) had done. Aja came over that day as well, we went to the park with Zephyr my cousin and his mom Lux I had a lot of fun. we recorded part of a story me and eden are writing. we went to Zephyr's house today and I played on their piano and made oatmeal and raisin cookies.
this is a collage I did for fun it's some portaits of camp people I know.

Friday, October 06, 2006

I took this photo of myself and I think it's a pretty good shot of me.

Really really boring.

Yesterday I didn't do to much because it was raining and cold out, I kind of just worked on my computer, and then watched a movie. But I did go over to my grandparents house with my sister for a little bit in the afternoon which was fun.

This is the conversation network we had at camp. It recorded all of our conversations for the whole week. It was really cool.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yesterday was my second Hip Hop class. We learned lot's of cool new moves and it was really fun. Also yesterday was my photoshop class. We got to make a collage type of artwork using different tools.

this is my collage I did for the class. (it's called the crows moon light land)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I went to my Grandma and Grandpas house.

Me and eden played at our grandparents house today I took my guitar so that grandpa could show me some new chords. and we got to have ice cream too which was fun.

This is Eliza at prom, we go to bolwing togetter.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I went to a potluck

the potluck was great, it was at our friends Pam Mark and Aila's house. There was a birthday for Pam as well so we got to have cake and ice cream. I talked about camp with Aila, and we all had a wonderful time.

this is me at the potluck.
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